Professor Sanjay Govind Dhande Professor Sanjay Govind Dhande, former Director of IIT Kanpur, is an innovative technologist, acclaimed academician, an eminent researcher, a visionary institution builder and an able administrator, whose contributions are acknowledged not only in India but also in many other countries. Under his captainship, IIT Kanpur has been recognized as a technical institution of excellence for providing an international level education and research in Science & Technology. Professor Dhande received his B.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pune and his Doctoral degree from Indiana Institute of Technology, Kanpur with an outstanding academic record. After completing his academic work in USA, he returned to India for building a new vision of computer based engineering. Dr. Dhande is recognized as a founder of the technology of Computer Aided Design in India with contributions in both academia and industry. He led the initiatives of introducing several other computer based technologies like Rapid Prototyping, 3D Printing, Rapid Tooling and Reverse Engineering. AUTOLAY, an innovative CAD technology, developed for Aeronautical Development Agency by him is being used extensively by the leading aircraft manufacturers of the world. Professor Dhande has developed indigenous CAD technologies for automotive and saddler industry in India, he also led the efforts for developing several technologies for Indian Railways primarily for improvement of safety in operations including the train location technology SIMRAN. Professor Dhande also led the pioneering effort of development of a nano-satellite JUGNU by students and faculty of IIT Kanpur. Professor Sanjay Govind Dhande, an able administrator has been the Founder and Mentor Director of several new national Institutions in Science & Technology . He has been a Chairman or Member of various Government Advisory Bodies both at the national as well as the international level. He was a member of Scientific Advisory Council to Prime Minister, Telecom Regulator Authority of India, National Manufacturing Competitive Council and National Innovation Council. He has served twice on the board of Nyvellie Lignite Corporation. Presently, he is a member of the International Academic Advisory Panel (IAAP) of Government of Singapore. He is also a member of University Grants Commission and is on the board of ONGC Videsh as an independent Director. Professor Sanjay Dhande is a member of National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) of Prime Minister of India. Professor Dhande is currently serving as Founder Director of Mahindra Ecole Centrale in Hyderabad. Professor Sanjay Govind Dhande is a recipient of a number of Awards and Fellowships. He is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering, Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, Institution of Engineers and Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. He has also been awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (honoris causa) by the Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun in recognition for his contributions in the fields of technical education and engineering research & technology. He also received the degree of Doctor of Letters (honoris causa) from Mahavir Vardhaman Open University of Rajasthan. He has also received Honorary Doctorate of Science from NIT Bhopal and NIT Kurukshetra. Professor Sanjay Govind Dhande, as an academician, has guided more than 120 post-graduate students and published about 135 research articles. He has two books to his credit. Professor Dhande has been extending his unstinted services to the Nation for the past 30 years, in the field of Science & Technology Education and Research. For his outstanding contributions to science & technology as well as the academic world of India, Professor Sanjay Dhande was conferred the prestigious PADMASHREE award by President of India in 2013.